Alex Bisaillion portrait shotAlex BisaillionSoftware developer, music enthusiast, film buff, and sports fanatic!
Vancouver, BC
Mk.gee has got to be one of my favourite up-and-comers in the indie scene. His newest album, Two Star & The Dream Police, from earlier this year, is a pretty idiosyncratic take on bedroom pop. I hope to one day be able to look back on my concert-going adventures and be say "hey, I saw so-and-so before they got big!". The Commodore Ballroom, here in Vancouver, where this show took place, has a history of bringing in rising stars (see U2, Arctic Monkeys, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry, to name a few), and I think Mk.gee has a chance at being the next one.
His set was pretty straight-forward, plowing through most of Two Star & The Dream Police. His creativity with his guitar was on full display, and he did not shy back from experimenting even more with the live renditions of his tracks. Special love to "Are You Looking Up", probably his biggest song, which he played twice -- opening with it, then closing with it prior to the encore. And probably my favourite track of his, "Alesis", to round out the encore.