Alex Bisaillion portrait shotAlex BisaillionSoftware developer, music enthusiast, film buff, and sports fanatic!
Soccer MommySoccer Mommy
Vancouver, BC
Soccer Mommy has been a constant in the indie scene for a while now. I'm particularly fond of her 2022 album, Sometimes, Forever; loved its gritter production courtesy of an unlikely collaborator in Daniel Lopatin (aka Oneohtrix Point Never). And her new album from last year, Evergreen, has brought along a new tour with it, including a stop at the Vogue Theatre here in Vancouver.
Hana Vu was a great fit as the opener -- same kind of hazy, post-punk tinged crunchy guitar.
Soccer Mommy put together an impressively full set, spanning over an hour and a half. I do think the set was quite top heavy, as she had played most of my own favourites before the halfway point, with tracks like "circle the drain", "Driver", "Bones", and "Shotgun". So it did feel like it lost a bit of momentum, but I was just happy to vibe along!