Alex Bisaillion portrait shotAlex BisaillionSoftware developer, music enthusiast, film buff, and sports fanatic!
Sky FerreiraSky Ferreira
Vancouver, BC
I was on the fence with this one; it was originally supposed to be at Vogue Theatre, right near my place, but was moved to Hollywood Theatre in Vancouver's Kitsilano neighbourhood, due to what I imagine were lower than expected ticket sales. Not too surprising, given that Sky Ferreira is still touring off of Night Time, My Time, which came out in 2013, and a sporadic handful of singles that followed it over the decade since then. And she does have a bit of a reputation for being enigmatic, to put it lightly, in terms of coming out promptly for her shows.
So I knew going into it to not expect her to appear right away, especially because there was no opener. But once she did come out, it was pretty clear she brought her A game. Such powerful vocals, especially on tracks like "24 Hours". I think some credit is due to the venue as well; this was my first time attending a show at Hollywood Theatre, and the mix/acoustics sounded amazing. She moved across the stage very gracefully, if not a bit timidly. The set wasn't too long, maybe about an hour, but I'm honestly not complaining. "Everything Is Embarassing" is an all-time favourite of mine, so it was great hearing that. It restored my faith that she is still locked in on her craft, and to expect something great if, or when, her next project sees the light of day.