Alex Bisaillion portrait shotAlex BisaillionSoftware developer, music enthusiast, film buff, and sports fanatic!
Róisín MurphyRóisín Murphy
Vancouver, BC
Róisín Murphy has been around the scene for a long time, since long before I was born, first with the duo Moloko in the late 90s and early 00s. But by now she has more than made a name for herself as a solo artist, particularly with the release of Róisín Machine in late 2020, which is when I was becoming familiar with her. She put out Hit Parade in 2023, and this tour date at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver was one of the final tour stops after what appears to be a long year of touring that album.
This being my first time at the Vogue, it's a pretty typical art deco type venue for smaller shows. The main floor mostly being GA, with a few rows of seats at the back, and the balcony being all seated. I know JPEGMAFIA played here a couple months back, a show that I missed, so I wonder what was done with the seats at a raucous show like that. Anyways, this one was pretty enjoyable. A few different outfits and some interesting camera work with a camera pointing towards the crowd while Róisín stared into it being the most notable aspects of the production. The main highlight for me was "You Knew".